Sunday, May 26, 2013

Irene's Wedding

sincerely wishing you both a joyous lifetime that brings the very best way finest love and joy on angels wings

we're hoping that each wish will be sure to come through in a magical wonderful future
 for a loving couple like you!

wishing that love, joy, wedding wishes and blessings warmly relayed to both of you!

congratulations to Irene & Ivan once again.

oh yah, i want to meet up with my new baby fruit next year. so wish you guys all the best for your honeymoon in Bali next week! =D

Tuesday, May 21, 2013


hye all! i'm going back to Kuching tomorrow for my sister's wedding and i'll be back to KL on Sunday and straight away back to Segamat for my BIL's wedding. hey, i got one nice song entitled mama papa larang by Judika to share with u guys. its a very nice lyrics which describe my current situation.

Mama Papa Larang by Judika

Separuh nafasku,

ku hembuskan untuk cintaku
biar rinduku, sampai kepada bidadariku..

kamu segalanya,
tak terpisah oleh waktu
biarkan bumi menolak
ku tetap cinta kamu 

biar mama mu tak suka
papa mu juga melarang 
walau dunia menolak ku tak takut,
tetap ku katakan ku cinta dirimu..

karena kamu bintang di hatiku
takkan ada yang lain mampu goyahkan rasa cintaku padamu


kamu segalanya, tak terpisah oleh waktu,
biarkan bumi menolak ku tetap cinta kamu..
biar mama ku tak suka, papa ku juga melarang,
walau dunia menolak ku tak takut, 
tetap ku katakan ku cinta kamu mal, sampai akhir waktu..

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

the surprise

it's 14 May and hubby is turning 22 today! i ordered his cake on last saturday after work at the Australian cake house which located next to our office at Jalan Imbi. i bought for him the black forest chocolate cake it was extremely yummy!

my friend, Shahrul which was Ikhmal's ex house mate fetched me at the LRT Sentul and we straight away go to Gohtong apartment as he spoke to me that he was there with Azraf. he was sleeping by the time i reach the apartment and he was quit blur  when Zain switched off the light and everyone started to sing the happy birthday song to him. he looked at the cake and i can see that he is totally out off his mind. everyone called for him then only he noticed that i was there! i told him that i got appointment with the hoteliers at Royale Bintang hotel via BBM and the first question he asked was "bila masa awak sampai? bukan kat hotel ke? sape hantar?". 

so here's the photos of hubby during his 22nd birthday. happy birthday syg. may Allah bless you always, now and forever dang. 

 his 22nd birthday cake!

 my baby :)

 us ! 

we fight, we make up, we share secrets over a coffee cup, sometimes you're my friend, sometimes a guide, you are the person in whom I take pride. may you get the best of everything in life, happy birthday to you dear love! 

Friday, May 10, 2013

May Fever

hye human! it's mid of May and im counting days to go back to Kuching! guess what? today is saturday! hahaha. *bongok*

my baby's birthday is coming soon and still, i don't have any idea on how to celebrate it. and teacher's day is coming soon too! happy teacher's day to all my teachers in Serian, wherever you are, and whatever you do now, i do hope that you all are in a good health. thanks a lot for the knowledge for all these while, you guys taught me on how to be better person in the future and yes i did it! thanks a lot to Cikgu Nojip, my Sejarah teacher, thanks for being there for us, for better and for worst, and thanks a lot for being so patient towards me! i knew that sometimes my behaviour is out of your control, yeah still remember by the time you scold me keeps on chit chatting with my classmate while you were busy explaining the 13 May issue. sorry sir! =D guess what? i scored 4 flat in my Malaysian Studies! 

oh ya! happy birthday to my babies Maynie & Effa! finally - you both are now 21 years old! happy happy birthday! good luck for your final year and hope to see you guys in the graduation robe next year - God willing. who else? bimbo! if im not mistaken, 11 May is your birthday right? i saw you that day but i pretend that you are invisible. we are going to baby Hannah's first birthday party at Jalan Duta. honestly i don't know what to buy for her birthday! should i give angpau and let her parents buy whatever they want? 

alright, i'll be back. need to clear up those pending emails and quotations. daa! 

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Coming Home!

guess what human?! im coming home for this Gawai! wuhoo! but i have to go back alone since hubby might start working. i'll be back on 31 May 2013 by Air Asia, and please be good to me darling. i don't want to hear any flight delay or reschedule or what so ever. please please please im begging you be good to me!

talking about flight ticket, my granddaddy bought for me the ticket. i asked for his credit card early in the morning, and here's the ticket! thanks a lot baby! i love you so much granddaddy! i'll buy you something from KL. promise! 

alright i need to finish up my pending files, being a reservation officer is so tiring but then it's fun! bye! see you guys later :) 

Monday, May 6, 2013

untuk kamu sayang!

a song by Wali Band, entitled doa untukmu sayang. i wish to sing this on my wedding day soon. God willing in 2 years time, God willing, Amin! 

kau mau apa, pasti kan ku beri
kau minta apa, akan ku turuti,
walau harus aku terlelap dan letih,
ini demi kamu sayang

aku tak akan berhenti, 
menemani dan menyayangimu
hingga matahari tak terbit lagi
bahkan bila aku mati,
ku kan berdoa pada Ilahi,
tuk satukan kita di syurga nanti

tahukan kamu apa yang ku pinta
di setiap doa sepanjang hariku
Tuhan tolong aku, tolong jaga dia,
Tuhan aku sayang kamu Ikhmal

aku tak akan berhenti,
menemani dan menyayangimu
hingga matahari tak terbit lagi,
bahkan bila aku mati
ku kan berdoa pada Ilahi,
Tuk satukan kita berdua di syurga nanti. 

dengan izin dan restu dariNya,
kita akan terus bersama selamanya :) 

Sunday, May 5, 2013

It's Almost There!

hey! it's May and hubby is turning 22 soon! what shall i plan for this year? i don't think that he'll be surprise since for all these while asyik ambush je! =D

hurmm.. im planning to order an ice cream cake for him but then where should we celebrate it? i think i should ask for my friend's help! what if we go to redbox? party for 3 hours then continue at Tasik Titiwangsa, then just wait for the pak guard to chase us out from the taman and we'll protest and start to post it on facebook? hahaha! wait, guess what? workers can get paid leave or replacement day off, says D-G. i read the article this morning. but then our boss refused to approve the replacement leave. see? how stingy you are! some more you guys go and support DAP.  

i kept few photos of hubby's birthday cake since 2010 until now. 

 his 19th birthday cake! 

hubby's 20th birthday

and last, 21st birthday cake! 

i'll update few more next week.! 

Pilihan Raya Umum Ke - 13

hi semua! mesti semua news feed kat FB tgh hangat cite pasal PRU kan? tu lah, sya pun tak sempat nak daftar undi tahun lepas. yang pastu nak balik sya nak daftar, sy nak pastikan negara sy dipimpin oleh orang yang berkaliber! Gay2 ni tak main. oopss sorry! yelah org PR agresif sangat kan? =D
cite pasal PRU ke 13, pergh punyalah lama sya tgk tv dari jam 8 sampai lah ke pukul 2 pagi. semata-mata nak tengok results. yang pasti, Kedah berjaya dirampas BN! yeah! tahniah! cuma sayang, Selangor, Kelantan & Penang masih kekal dibawah Pakatan Rakyat. mesti ramai org pelik, kenapa sya sebagai non muslim sokong BN. lagi2 org swk, byk sebab. sy tak nampak lagi bukti kejayaan Pakatan Rakyat. kalau betul kamu semua sayang Islam, kenapa kamu semua tak pertahankan kalimah Allah? itu dah satu hal yang membuatkan sya musykil. kata politik bebas nak berbahas kan? so ni blog sy, sya nak luahkan pendapat sya, tak suka boleh berambus. tak kesah lah korang nak ckp sy ni apa. 

sebagai bumiputera, kalian tak rasa yang manifesto mereka ni mengarut ke? cakap Malaysia dah ke arah korupsi. tapi mana korang cekau duit nak hapus PTPTN? kalau pakatan menang lah according to their manifesto. mana korang dapat duit? ini yang BN suruh bayar PT korang blh ckp ke arah korupsi, rasa-rasanya korang tu memang ada masalah  otak. tu yg suka guna kekerasan nak memprotes! ntahlah malas r tgk korang dok memaki kat facebook tak dapat ape pun. o yah, kepada Barisan Nasional! congratulations!! saya sayang PM! wihuuu~ ever since that you won in Sarawak, so please.. tunaikan apa yang dah dijanjikan pada rakyat, buktikan pada mereka yang kamu boleh! go BN! highway pan-Borneo kan korang janjikan? alright i'll wait for it. bantuan upgrade ke RM 1200 kan? saya tunggu! buktikan pada orang-orang Bersih yang kamu boleh! 

k lah. nak buat quotation balik. :)